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What is Programmatic or RTB?

Programmatic advertising represents the pinnacle of efficiency and precision in the modern advertising landscape.


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Essentially, it is the use of automated technology to purchase and optimize digital advertising, replacing traditional methods that involved human negotiation and manual insertion orders. Through programmatic platforms, advertisers can access a wealth of data to pinpoint exact audience segments and even individual users across a multitude of digital mediums, thereby optimizing the reach and relevance of advertising campaigns. This process not only ensures that your ads are seen by the most relevant audience but also significantly reduces wastage, achieving a higher ROI.

In a world inundated with data, programmatic advertising stands as a beacon of streamlined, insightful, and highly adaptable strategy, equipping C-level executives with the tools to drive tangible growth and bolster brand positioning in increasingly competitive markets. It embodies the future of advertising, marrying technology and strategy to deliver results that are both scalable and measurable.

What channels are available in Programmatic?

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Programmatic advertising encompasses a broad array of channels, allowing advertisers to reach their target audiences in a more streamlined and efficient manner. Here are the channels commonly available in programmatic advertising:

Display Advertising

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These are the visual ads that appear on websites. They can be static images, animated graphics, or interactive ads designed to catch the eye of the viewer.

Video Advertising

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Video ads can appear before, during, or after video content on platforms like YouTube, or embedded within articles and web content.

Mobile Advertising

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Specifically designed for mobile platforms, these ads appear in apps or mobile web browsers, optimized for smaller screens and touch interactions.

Social Media

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Though social walled gardens are not recognized as a traditional programmatic channel, advertisers can now place impression trackers on social media creatives on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., leveraging the vast amount of user data these platforms hold.

Native Advertising

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These are ads that match the look, feel, and function of the media format in which they appear, essentially blending in with the platform's organic content, thereby offering a less intrusive advertising experience.

Connected TV (CTV) and Over-The-Top (OTT) Advertising

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These channels allow advertisers to reach audiences on streaming platforms and connected TVs, offering a modern alternative to traditional television advertising.

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) Advertising

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This involves the use of digital billboards and signs in outdoor spaces or within establishments (like malls, airports, etc.), offering dynamic, often interactive content.

Audio Advertising

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Audio ads can appear on streaming platforms like Spotify, Pandora, etc., offering opportunities to reach audiences through podcasts, music streams, and other audio content.

Search Advertising

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Though not traditionally managed through programmatic platforms, search advertising has seen increasing integration into programmatic strategies, allowing advertisers to bid on search terms in real-time.

Email Advertising

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Programmatic platforms can also manage targeted email campaigns, leveraging user data to personalize content and offers.

In-App Advertising

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These are ads specifically designed to appear within mobile applications, often utilizing rich media formats and interactive elements to engage users.

Rich Media and Interactive Advertising

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These are ads that incorporate advanced features like video, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with the content.

Real-time bidding

What is the history of Real-time bidding?

Real-Time Bidding (RTB) has its roots in the technological advancements and shifts in advertising methods that began to emerge in the late 2000s. Here is a brief overview of its history:

Early 2000s: The Emergence of Online Advertising

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As the internet started becoming a household staple, advertisers began seeing the potential of online advertising. The earliest forms were relatively straightforward, with advertisers purchasing ad spaces directly from publishers.

Mid to Late 2000s: The Birth of RTB

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Around 2007-2009, the concept of RTB began to take shape. The burgeoning amount of data on user behavior started allowing for more targeted advertising. The idea behind RTB was to automate online ad buying, making the process more efficient and less labor-intensive. RTB allowed for the purchasing of ads in real-time, which means advertisers could bid on individual impressions based on user data, allowing for highly targeted, efficient campaigns.

2010: Official Launch and Adoption

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In 2010, Google officially launched its RTB platform, which quickly became a significant player in the industry. Other platforms and ad exchanges also began to adopt the RTB model, which marked the shift from traditional, manual ad buying to more automated, data-driven processes.

2010-2020: Rapid Growth and Development

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Over this period, RTB became the cornerstone of the programmatic advertising ecosystem. It introduced a level of granularity and precision previously unseen in the advertising industry. The ability to bid on ad space in real-time, coupled with the increasing amount of available data, allowed advertisers to create highly targeted and personalized campaigns, thus improving ROI.

2020s: Challenges and Evolutions

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With the increasing scrutiny on user privacy and data utilization, RTB and programmatic advertising, in general, are facing several challenges. New regulations and browser policies are affecting the kind of data that can be collected and used for advertising. This has brought about a need for more transparent and ethical data usage policies in RTB. Despite the challenges, RTB continues to evolve, with new technologies and strategies emerging to adapt to the changing landscape.In summary, RTB revolutionized the online advertising space by introducing automated, real-time auction ad buying, which allowed for more targeted and efficient campaigns. It represents a significant part of the programmatic advertising ecosystem, which continues to evolve in response to changing data privacy regulations and user expectations.

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Basic Package
Price Range:
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Professional Package
Price Range:
$10,000- $20,000
Advanced video production (up to 8 hours, including drone footage)
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Enterprise Package
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