Staying ahead of the curve amidst the ever-evolving trends in social media can feel like a whirlwind – particularly in the realm of video content! Each social platform boasts its own distinct specifications for content upload, which is why we've crafted a vibrant, user-friendly guide just for you.

Dive right in below – head straight to the platform you're delving into and uncover every type of video ad unit they offer, complete with specifications, insider content tips, and beyond.

Facebook business img

Instagram Video Specs

Ideal for visually-driven brands, Instagram stands as an essential platform for any company aiming to connect with vibrant, highly engaged demographics. As a sibling to Facebook under the same ownership, Instagram shares a significant user base, yet its browsing patterns suggest a heightened receptiveness to brand promotions. Leverage these Instagram ad specifications to elevate your next post to new heights and effortlessly attract fresh followers in the process.

Instagram video specs img

Check out some of the most common Instagram video dimensions below.

In-Feed Video and Video Ads

Instagram in-feed video and vieo ads img

Size: 600 x 600 px (square), 600 x 315 px (horizontal), and 600 x 750 px (vertical)

Supported Aspect Ratios: 1:1 (square), 1.9:1 (horizontal), 4:5 (vertical)

Specs: MP4 or MOV format, maximum length 60 seconds, maximum file size 4 GB

Placement: Natively on Instagram Feed

Stories Video Ads

Instagram stories video ads img

Size: 1080 x 1920 px

Minimum Size: 600 x 1067 px

Supported Aspect Ratios: 16:9 to 4:5 and 9:16

Specs: MP4 or MOV format, maximum length 60 seconds, maximum file size 4 GB

Placement: Between user Instagram Stories


In the realm of Instagram video ads, Float Media House recommends a duration ranging from 15 to 60 seconds. This timeframe allows you to artfully craft a concise narrative or curate compelling imagery in montage form for maximum impact and audience engagement.


Instagram video content should be fun, aesthetically pleasing, and impactful.


  • Use animation.
  • Use music.
  • Use brand colors and logos.
  • Use bright, attention-grabbing visuals.
  • Include a CTA.


  • Use voiceover – Instagram does not caption their videos.
  • Use static video.
  • Use wide shots.
  • Align text to close to the edges.

LinkedIn Video Specs

Looking to connect with fellow professionals? Look no further than LinkedIn! Utilize LinkedIn for your B2B outreach and brand elevation efforts. With its precise targeting capabilities and a business-focused mindset, the LinkedIn audience stands out as a prime target, especially when aiming to engage decision-makers or high-ranking executives. With a well-crafted ad strategy, leveraging these LinkedIn ad specifications will undoubtedly elevate the impact of your next significant video campaign.

LinkedIn video specs img

Listed below are the most common LinkedIn video dimensions.

In-Feed Video

LinkedIn in-feed video img

Minimum Size: 256 x 144 px

Maximum Size: 4096 x 2304 px

Supported Aspect Ratios: 1:2.4 to 2.4:1

Specs: ASF, AVI, FLV, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, MKV, QuickTime, WebM, H264/AVC, MP4, VP8, VP9, WMV2, and WMV3 formats, maximum length 10 minutes, maximum file size 5 GB

Placement: Natively on LinkedIn Feed

Video Ads

LinkedIn video ads img

Maximum Size: 1920 x 1080 px

Minimum Size: 480 x 360 px

Supported Aspect Ratios: 4:3 (horizontal), 16:9 (horizontal), 1:1 (square)

Specs: MP4, maximum length 30 minutes, maximum file size 200 MB

Placement: Natively on LinkedIn Feed


At Float Media House, we've found that videos under 15 seconds tend to excel on LinkedIn. For optimal engagement, we suggest keeping your video ads under 30 seconds. However, when it comes to organic Feed videos, the sweet spot ranges from 15 to 90 seconds, providing ample opportunity to articulate and refine your brand message.


LinkedIn video serves as a powerful tool to narrate your brand's journey, showcase compelling interviews, and demonstrate your industry expertise with finesse.


  • Use close-ups of happy faces.
  • Pack the first 10 seconds of your video with the most important details.
  • Use bright, impactful visuals.
  • Use music and/or subtitles where appropriate.


  • Be overly promotional.
  • Expect users to know your brand.
  • Be boring, stiff, or impersonal.
  • Make your video longer than it needs to be.

Pinterest Video Specs

Captivate your audience and showcase your brand with a captivating Pinterest video! Renowned for its high engagement and visual appeal, Pinterest stands as a favorite among young, creative individuals worldwide. The beauty of it all? Pinterest ad specifications are straightforward and user-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience as you upload your first video ad.

Pinterest video specs img

Check out some of the most common Pinterest video dimensions below.

Promoted Video

Pinterest promoted video img

Size: 600 x 600 px (square), 600 x 900 px (vertical)

Minimum Resolution: 240 ppi

Supported Aspect Ratios: 1:1 (square), 9:16 (vertical)

Specs: MP4 or MOV format, maximum length 30 minutes, maximum file size 2 GB

Placement: Natively on Pinterest Feed, one or two columns wide


Keep your Pinterest video short and to the point – we recommend keeping it under 15 seconds. This gives you a great opportunity to highlight your product or service, and its best features.


Because Pinterest is so visual, short, clear videos perform best.


  • Keep your visuals bright, but simple.
  • Focus on the product you’re featuring.
  • Use close-ups of happy faces.
  • Use brand colors and logos.
  • Use how-to, product, and DIY videos.


  • Rely on voiceover or audio to communicate your message.
  • Use interviews, industry, or thought leadership videos.
  • Make your video longer than 30 seconds.
  • Don’t forget: videos autoplay silently when they’re 50 percent in view.

Product Video

Amazon product video img

Size: 1920 x 1080 px

Minimum Size: 1280 x 720 px

Supported Aspect Ratios: 16:9 (horizontal)

Specs: 3GP, AVI, AAC, MP4, FLV, MOV, or MPEG-2 format

Placement: Specific Amazon product pages through Seller Central

Amazon Video Ad

Amazon video ad img

Size: 1920 x 1080 px

Supported Aspect Ratios: 16:9 (horizontal)

Specs: H.264, MPEG-2, or MP4 format, maximum video length 3 minutes,

maximum file size 500 MB

Placement: Amazon websites and mobile apps

DSP (Demand-Side Platform) Video Ad

Amazon demand-side platform video ad img

Size: 1920 x 1080 px (630 x 360 px for third-party served)

Supported Aspect Ratios: 16:9 (horizontal)

Specs: MP4, WebM, or FLV format, maximum length 120 seconds

Placement: Across the web


Keep your Amazon video to 30 seconds or less, focusing primarily on your product.


In this video, prioritize showcasing the benefits and features of your product exclusively. Concentrate on close-up shots of the product, highlight its label or packaging, and consider incorporating a brief how-to or demonstration to effectively communicate its functionality.


  • Keep your video short and focused.
  • Keep your background simple.
  • Vary your product angles – include close-ups, in-action shots, and wider shots.
  • Include product name and relevant dimensions.


  • Forget to update the video’s title and description.
  • Try to do too much in one single video.
  • Dress this video up too much – keep things standard and answer only the most practical questions.
  • Forget mobile – make your video mobile friendly.

YouTube Video Specs

Without a doubt, YouTube reigns supreme in the realm of online video. Whether you're looking to embed a video on your website, promote it across social media platforms, or share it far and wide, YouTube is your go-to destination.

Even if you're not running ads on YouTube, leveraging it as a hosting option is a wise choice. With a plethora of upload sizing options available, you can use these YouTube ad specifications as a benchmark to gauge your video's overall effectiveness and online compatibility.

Youtube video specs img

Check out some of the most common YouTube video dimensions below.

YouTube Player

Youtube player img

Size: 1920 x 1080 px

Minimum Size: 1280 x 720 px

Supported Aspect Ratios: 16:9 (horizontal)

Specs: 3GP, AVI, AAC, MP4, FLV, MOV, or MPEG-2 format

Placement: Specific Amazon product pages through Seller Central

YouTube Video Ads

Youtube video ads img

Same as above, except:

Skippable Video Ads: Maximum length 12 hours, skippable after 5 seconds
Unskippable Video Ads: Maximum length of 15, 20, or 30 seconds (depending on region)
Mid-Roll Video Ads: Minimum length 30 seconds
Bumper Video Ads: Maximum length 6 seconds


On YouTube, video lengths can vary widely. To optimize engagement, aim to keep your brand videos and commercials under 3 minutes, while webinars and long-form content should typically stay under 1 hour. For social media snippets, aim for a concise duration of under 30 seconds to capture attention quickly and effectively.


When it comes to YouTube, the possibilities are virtually endless! As a hosting platform, you have the freedom to upload a wide range of content, from brand videos to behind-the-scenes glimpses and beyond. Let your creativity soar and leverage YouTube to showcase your brand in diverse and exciting ways.


  • Remember the audience you’re targeting.
  • Keep an eye on success metrics.
  • Include an attractive thumbnail.
  • Embed and share your YouTube video links everywhere you can.
  • Publish consistently.


  • Focus on going “viral.”
  • Forget to include metadata on every video you publish.
  • Upload low quality videos.
  • Make YouTube your video’s final destination.

Ready To FLOAT?

The possibilities with video content are truly boundless. As social media platforms evolve and the demand for video escalates, its impact on ROI becomes increasingly profound. If you haven't incorporated video into your social media strategy yet, there's no better time than now to do so!

Discover how video can amplify your customer base and drive sales.

When you're ready to craft your next nationwide TV ad or social media masterpiece, reach out to us at Float Media House!